Our Stories Project & Registration
'Our Stories' Exhibition and Registration Form
The Heritage Festival is a joint endeavour between Whanganui District Council and the Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust to commemorate a significant milestone in Whanganui’s history - 100 years since Whangaui was declared a city.
Whanganui was granted city status in 1924.
The Festival will run from Saturday 19 October to Monday 28 October and will include an array of community-led events. The “Our Stories” exhbition is one of these events and will be held in the Whanganui War Memorial Centre. The aim is to display a collection of stories from Whanganui’s past and present to show case their journey over the last 100 years.
Stories could be from sports people, community groups, companies, musicians, veterans, schools ….
If you have a story to share of a journey over the last 100 years we want to hear from you. All you need to do is complete the registration form and then start thinking about your submission. A template of a one page submission is attached for consideration.
All eligible stories received will be displayed in the Main Hall of the Whanganui Memorial Centre with videos / photos being played in the Concert Chamber. A range of activities will also be happening in the forecourt of War Memorial Centre and Majestic Square over this period.
Download the 'Our Stories' Registration Form
Click the image below, or click here, to download a copy of the 'Our Stories' Registration form (PDF - 450kb). Ssend completed forms to whanganuiheritagefestival@whanganui.govt.nz"