Award Categories

In this Section:
Heritage Awards 2020
Summary of Award Categories
Whanganui Regional Heritage Awards recognises the achievement of heritage conservation in the following categories (full descriptioins of the Categories are in the Entry Form:
Supreme Award: The Champion of Heritage Champions
Judged by the panel of judges from the Award winners of the seven categories.
Category Awards:
1. Domestic – Saved and Restored
Retention and Restoration of domestic architecture more than 50 years old. Rehabilitation, adaptive reuse or continued maintenance are all eligible.
2. Public Realm – Saved and Restored
Retention and Restoration of a public or commercial building or structure more than 50 years old. Public realm is defined as any publicly owned streets, pathways, right of ways, parks, publicly accessible open spaces and any public and civic building and facilities. The quality of our public realm is vital if we are to be successful in creating environments that people want to live and work in.
3. Heritage Tourism Award
Cultural tourist attraction award. This includes cultural precincts, events, promotion of heritage on tourist websites and heritage destinations and attractions.
4. Outstanding Contribution to Heritage
The telling of the Whanganui and Region story by an organisation, group, or individual. Includes publications, education programmes, exhibitions, websites or activities, archaeological sites and heritage advocacy.
5. Future Heritage Award
This award recognises a new building showing sensitivity to the streetscape and landscape and one which will secure a cultural legacy for the future.
6. Seismic Award
Recognition of commitment, investment or unique solution to earthquake strengthening which has saved or will now protect a heritage building or structure.
7. Maori Realm Award
This award recognises leadership and contribution in restoration and retention of buildings, structures and places associated with Te Ao Māori containing Māori values