2020 Award Categories & Winners

In this Section:
Heritage Awards 2020
2020 Sponsors & Winners
Supreme Award Winner
- Sponsored by: Whanganui District Council
- Award Winner: Hadleigh Reid, Ridgway Chambers
Heritage Plaque Winner:
- Sponsored by: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
- Award Winner: Bernice Frost & Anthea Hatfield, Old BNZ, Raetihi
Heritage Hero Winner:
- Sponsored by: Whanganui River Markets
- Award Winner: Ross Mitchell-Anyon
Judges Special Award:
- Sponsored by: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
- Award Winner: Whanganui District Council
The eight award categories:
- Domestic – Saved and Restored Award:
Retention and Restoration of domestic architecture more than 50 years old. Rehabilitation, adaptive reuse or continued maintenance are all eligible.- Sponsored by: W&W Construction
- Award Winner: Rupert Bird & Gail Lourie, Westoe
- Public Realm – Saved and Restored Award:
Retention and Restoration of a public or commercial building or structure more than 50 years old. Public realm is defined as any publicly owned streets, pathways, right of ways, parks, publicly accessible open spaces, any public and civic building and facility. The quality of our public realm is vital if we are to be successful in creating environments that people want to live and work in.- Sponsored by: PYTHON Fixings
- Award Winner: Mainstreet Whanganui, Heritage Town
- Heritage Tourism Award:
Heritage tourist attraction award. This includes cultural precincts, events and heritage destinations and attractions.- Sponsored by: Mainstreet Whanganui
- Joint Winners:
- Waimarie Operating Trust & Whanganui Riverboat Restoration and Navigation Trust, Paddles Steamer Waimarie and Riverboat Museum and
- Bushy Park Tarapuruhi Trust, Bushy Park Tarapuruhi Homstead and Stables.
- Outstanding Contribution to Heritage Award:
The telling of the Whanganui/Ruapehu/Rangitikei story by an organisation, group or individual. Includes publications, books, education programmes, exhibitions, websites or activities that promote heritage retention, conservation and education. Heritage advocacy in any way.- Sponsored by: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
- Joint Winners:
- Karen Wrigglesworth “Take Me With You!: A Self-Drive Guide to Whanganui’s Engineering Heritage”
- Friends of the Whanganui River Inc., "Whanganui River Annuals"
- Future Heritage Award:
This award will recognise a new building showing sensitivity to the streetscape and landscape and one which will secure a cultural legacy for the future.- Sponsored by: WSP
- Joint Winners:
- Elinor McDouall, Iona Tiny House and
- Whanganui Collegiate School - Arrivals Building
- Seismic Award:
Recognition of commitment, investment or a unique solution to earthquake strengthening which has saved or will now protect a heritage building.- Sponsored by: McMillan & Lockwood Central Limited
- Award Winner: Westmere Presbyterian Memorial Church
- Maori Realm Award:
- Leadership / contribution to the retention and /or restoration of a building or structure more than 50 years old and containing Maori values or associated with Te Ao Maori.
- Leadership / contribution to the preservation and / or restoration of parks, open spaces and places and structures associated with Te Ao Maori or containing Maori values.
- Leadership / contribution to cultural tourist attractions including cultural precincts, events and Maori destinations and attractions associated with Te Ao Maori or containing Maori values.- Sponsored by: L&K Williams
- Award Winner: Pakaitore Historic Reserve Board, Whanganui Maori War Memorial
- Rural & Rangitikei – Saved and Restored Award:
- Retention and Restoration of domestic architecture more than 50 years old. Rehabilitation, adaptive reuse or continued maintenance are all eligible.
- The entire Rangitikei is eligible to enter this category and for Whanganui and Ruapehu Districts, only Rural is eligible. Rural is defined as all areas except within town boundaries where the town population is greater than 3,000.- Sponsored by: Aurthur Wheeler Leedstown Trust
- Award Winner: Bernice Frost & Anthea Hatfield, Old BNZ, Raetihi
- Ann Petherick
Awards Convenor, 027 286 4564
whanganuiheritagemonth@gmail.com - Helen Craig, Chair,
Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust, 021 103 0737